Amy S

Massage Therapist


My name is Amy. | am fairly new to massage, but not new to loving people and helping heal. That has always been ingrained in my soul. | truly enjoy every person that comes in my path because it is never a coincidence.

As a compassionate and intuitive reiki | practitioner, and understanding the mind-body connection, | approach massage therapy as a form of holistic healing. My mission is to create a safe space for clients to relax, release tension , restore balance, and reconnect with self through various massage modalities including reflexology, cupping, and more. | am constantly exploring new modalities and techniques to deepen my understanding of the healing arts and bring them to you.

| believe wellness and healing is a process not a destination and massage is an amazing tool to aid in your healing and wellness journey.

Each session is a stepping stone towards wellness, tailored to meet the

unique needs and goals of you and every individual who's path leads them to me.

See you soon!

Much love and Aloha

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