I am Shani, a practicing Certified Meditation
Coach and a Shinin Reiki Master in Atlanta,
Myrtle Beach and Houston areas. My biggest
credential for teaching self healing is that I
practice myself, to create balance in my life .
I honestly believe in self healing and our
natural ability to tap into ourselves ,our
higher power and each other. I have seen
what it has done for my life and
others.Through meditation I opened myself
up to my purpose. To teach others what I
have learned, to encourage self healing
practices and share my love and hope for
happiness with everyone I meet! I have been
compelled to study in the exciting world of
self healing and currently have a
Professional diploma in Meditation and
Mindful Practice, Alternative Healing
Therapies , 16 point acupressure,and Brain
cognitive therapy . I am the owner of a
holistic Aromatherapy company “Shanis
Suns Soul Medicine” . My biggest
accomplishment is becoming a Certified
Reiki Master and opening my current
practice. I enjoy helping others find their
inner peace, and love for themselves and
others. The Hindus believe Mindfulness is
the key to ending human suffering, I may be
of Christian faith , but they definitely are on
to something …. I believe so as well. May
God light your path and may Love carry you
thru…...Master Shani